Your chance to win money and help the Trust buy more NCFC shares on behalf of all Norwich City fans.
The Canaries Trust’s 100 Club is for fans of Norwich City Football Club who are over the age of 16. Each person joining will pay just £5 per month to enter and will be allocated a unique number in the monthly draw.
The draw will usually be made at the Trust’s monthly Board meeting, or as near as possible to the end of that month in the event of no meeting.
Each month there will be two prizes:-
First Prize is 35% of the money subscribed and the Second Prize being 15% of subscribed funds.
Each month, half the funds raised will therefore be paid out in prizes, with the remaining half of all funds going to the Trust.
This draw is promoted and operated by the Canaries Trust. All proceeds go towards prizes and towards future share purchases by the Canaries Trust on behalf of the fans. All players must be aged 16 or over. Please gamble responsibly
To buy tickets, please click below.

100 Club Monthly Membership
£5 Per Month Subscription
Entry into 1x 100 Club Draw
Monthly Subscription
Only Available to Over 16's
Chance to win 1 of 2 prizes each month
Purchase Multiple Entries
Please Gamble Responsibly

100 Club Annual Membership
£60 Per Year Subscription
Entry to 12 consecutive 100 club draws
Only Available to Over 16's
Purchase Multiple Entries
Chance to Win one of Two Prizes Each Month
Please gamble responsibly