The major benefit of being a member of the Canaries Trust is being a part of the largest independent shareholder in Norwich City Football Club – this means that you can have your say on a range of issues that affects the fans of our Club.
The Canaries Trust, being a shareholder in Norwich City Football Club means that we have a vote at the Club’s AGM. We also hold regular meetings with those who run the club.
When you join the Canaries Trust, you will receive a welcome pack along with a membership certificate.
Each month you will receive the Trust’s Bulletin providing you with the latest news and events, as well as updates on our meetings with the Club. In addition to the monthly bulletins, we will email members when there are important issues that need to be discussed or highlighted.
In addition, you are welcome to get in touch with us through our contact form on the website, via email, or through our social media. If there is something you want us to raise at Club level, we will take it to one of our meetings.
Every year we hold our Annual General Meeting, usually at one of the function rooms at Carrow Road. Once the formal business is out of the way, we hold a Q&A session with someone from the club or an ex-player. Previously we have had Neil Adams, Zoe Webber and Norwich City legend, Jeremy Goss who is also our Honorary Life President.
We are always looking at ways we can provide more benefits to our members, so if you have any suggestions, please contact us.